robert kovacs, phd

Mechatronics | Robotics | HCI | Fabrication

(ex Hasso Plattner Institute, Microsoft Research, Interactive-Scape)


mail [at]
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LEROSH: training robots for crafts

(at interactive-scape & werk5)  The Lerosh project is about exploring how machine learning can help artisans to work with collaborative robots on unique artifacts. In particular, training robots with the "master's movements" that can be later generalized to any object, geometry, or material. The key challenge here is to extract the high-level skills from the craftsman's demonstration and to replicate the fine-motoric movements using multi-sensory feedback loops. project page:

phd thesis: human-scale personal fabrication (4 full papers)

advised by prof. Patrick Baudisch at the Hasso Plattner Institute - Human Computer Interaction lab.

internship @ Microsoft Research

latest publication at UIST

AirTied: Automatic Personal Fabrication of Truss Structures

Lukas Rambold, Robert Kovacs, Conrad Lempert, Muhammad Abdullah, Helena Lendowski, Lukas Fritzsche, Martin Taraz, and Patrick Baudisch
AirTied is a device that fabricates truss structures in a fully automatic fashion. AirTied achieves this by unrolling a 20cm-wide inflatable plastic tube and tying nodes into it. AirTied creates nodes by holding onto a segment of tube, stacking additional tube segments on top of it, tying them up, and releasing the result. The resulting structures are material-efficient and light as well as sturdy, as we demonstrate by creating a 6m-tower. Unlike the prior art, AirTied requires no scaffolding and no building blocks, bringing automated truss construction into the reach of personal fabrication.

metamaterial mechanisms

laser-cutting and fast fabrication 

haptic interfaces for blind users

haptic feedback in virtual reality

cyber security

art installations

2023 robert kovacs